Business performance is inextricably linked to people.....

....never has it been more important to equip your leaders and teams with the capabilities they need to thrive in an ever changing and increasingly complex workplace.

The work I do with teams and leaders provides targeted, effective solutions to foster higher individual and collective performance. 

Our work together starts by gaining valuable insight using a combination of structured interviews, 360 feedback, team assessment and/or personal profiling tools. These inform where we will focus, the outcomes you want to achieve and the type of support required, be that 1:1 or team coaching, facilitated workshops, structured development programmes or a bespoke programme that combines these.

All of these are designed to increase awareness, alignment, accountability and effectiveness and have leadership at their heart - whether that's personal leadership, team leadership or organisational leadership.

Here are some examples of the challenges I help clients with and the outcomes our work together enables:

  • Developing Teams

Harnessing the power of teams and the diversity within can be a game changer, particularly in these difficult times when human connection and collaboration are increasingly important. Combining this with the abilty to work across boundaries, developing effective partnerships that create value with and for all stakeholders takes team performance to another level.


I work with leadership teams that want to:
  • Shift their focus to the outcomes they deliver and impact they have, ensuring this creates value for all their stakeholders.
  • Regain the confidence of key stakeholders by demonstrating they can work effectively together inside and outside of the team.
  • Build commitment and cohesion around their shared purpose, plans and priorities.
  • Identify and tackle their barriers to performance so they can harness their strengths and differences to be more than the sum of the parts.
  • Consolidate recent team changes, enabling the new team to connect, commit and align around delivery of their shared plan.
Our work together can enable you and your team to: 
  • Understand what it means to be a value creating team and co-create your team development plan.
  • Work more strategically, across boundaries and in partnership with key stakeholders.
  • Define your collective purpose and priorities to create shared ownership and accountability.
  • Enhance trust, co-operation and cohesion between members.
  • Collaborate and manage conflict - improving meetings and decision making.
  • Uncover and address barriers to performance by having the open, honest conversations you need to have in a safe, structured space.
  • Learn together, growing confidence in yourself and each other.
  • Developing Leaders

Stepping up to a new role, needing to operate more strategically or lead a new team whilst at the same time demonstrating the confidence and credibility expected of you can be daunting. The ability to get to grips quickly with your new situation, set your direction and engage those around you is vital to your performance and success.

I work with leaders of businesses & functions that want to:
  • Equip their leaders and managers with the capabilities and confidence to lead effectively today and in future, keeping them relevant and able to respond and adapt to change.
  • To accelerate the effectiveness of new and/or promoted leaders in their new role 
  • To develop and support the progression of talented individuals who have key leadership skills gaps.
Our work together can help leaders:
  • Accelerate the transition from managing to leading, shaping their plan and how they need to operate to have most impact and influence in their new role.
  • Develop their own leadership vision and agenda, clarifying the priorities and relationships required for successful delivery of their plan.
  • Understand how they ‘show up’ as a leader and the impact they have on others, helping them develop and embed the attitudes and behaviours that enable high performance.
  • Build confidence in their leadership style and capabilities to work more strategically and collaboratively with their key stakeholders and team.
  • Developing Organisations

In the midst of increasing business change and complexity, the environment that a leader or team creates for those they lead can be the difference between people just surviving the day to day or thriving and performing at their best.

A leadership climate focused on growth, inspires and engages other through trust, clear direction, shared learning and the right balance of challenge and support. The ability of leaders to create this climate is the key to enabling those around them to thrive and is proven to have a positive impact on their performance, engagement and well-being.

I work with leadership teams that want to:
  • Refresh and revitalize their ways of working to kick start business performance or recovery.
  • Understand the leadership climate they create and the impact this is having on people and performance.
  • Embed new leadership behaviours, individually or collectively, to create a more positive climate.
  • Improve staff engagement and confidence.
  • Effectively target development activity to grow future leadership capability.
Our work together can help leaders and their teams:
  • Understand the climate they create and the impact this is having on performance, engagement and well-being.
  • Explore collective and individual barriers to performance, implementing practical steps that foster a growth climate and enhance future leadership capability.
  • Clarify and embed the leadership values and behaviours required for initiating a positive change in climate.
  • Establish a baseline for kicking off a change programme, identifying and targeting development activity where it can have most impact.

The work I do on a 1:1 basis with clients is an essential part of their development journey ensuring that new learning is embedded and can be sustained. These programmes can run seperate to or alongside a team or leadership programme. Areas of specific focus include:

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Get in touch today for an informal, confidential discussion to find out more

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